Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby shower and other random stuff!

Let's start out with some awesome news about Thayne:
He was excepted into the graphic design program at Utah State, which means he can now graduate as a  graphic design major. Last year he was accepted into the Art program where about only 40 students are accepted each year. The graphic design program is even more tedious to get into because only about 20 students are accepted each year. GO THAYNE!
This picture below is of Thayne and a drawing he did of Michael Jordan. In his drawing class each student had to draw or paint a picture and then frame it. Then, teachers from other classes came in and graded the picture from 1-10. The top 3 scores were then taken and put in an art exhibit in Salt Lake City and sold. Thayne's picture wasn't chosen (which Thayne is ok with because he loves his picture) but his teacher told him that his was right up there with the top 3. Thayne was excited to hear that. I am so proud of Thayne! He is doing and learning what he loves!

A couple weekends ago Dianne and Abi came over and helped me put the nursery together. We put up the crib, brought in the dresser, and hung a shelf. I couldn't have done it with out them!! Thanks Ladies!

This is Dianne's working hard face

our crib we bought for 50 bucks off KSL!

I love how the dresser turned out!! I can't believe I painted it!

Abi and me trying to screw in a took us way longer then we wanted it too!

My visiting teachers threw me a baby shower. The theme was she's about to "PoP". They had the cutest decorations and table set-up. Thank you Heather and Julie! I had so much fun!

these cake pops were amazing!

My friend Bre Dutson gave us an Aggie hat. Thayne's in love

My good friend Candice made us another baby quilt!

Candice Gardner and me

My mother in law Dianne, and Sister in law Abi. They were good to stay the whole time even though Abi was tired from partying the night before

My Visiting Teachers: Julie Baumgartner and Heather Bennett. Thanks again Ladies!!


  1. You are adorable! What a cute prego mama! I cannot wait to see you and I'm hoping that it's soon! Love the dresser. Thanks for all the pics of everything! Love yah!

    1. ok I am for sure coming up there May 5! So be ready for me!I can't wait to see ella! she is getting too big without me!

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