Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Riley's room and weekend fun!

So Riley's room is almost finished.....
Here is the dresser wall.  All I need is a changing pad and a couple little things and its all finished.

Yes we have an obsession with Utah State and shoes. Thayne made the wire shoe on the shelf and painted the football player

DRUM ROLL PLEASE!! dadadaddada              The Alphabet Wall!!

I love how it turned out. Some letters we already had, some we bought, and others I cut out. The "A" Thayne made for a school project (of course its an Aggie "A"). The "R" is framed for Riley. I modge podged some letters and painted others. I had fun figuring out how to coordinate them on the wall. hanging them was a little difficult because I was doing it by myself but after each letter I pounded on the wall to make sure the letter wouldn't fall...(just imagine what the neighbors were thinking when they heard all that pounding....haha). 

These are the crib mattress sheets that I sewed.  They were super easy and I actually had fun making them. I am in no way a professional seamstress. I did get angry with the bobbin(don't know how to spell that)thread more times than I wanted to but I figured it out eventually....
It was just fun listening to music with my glasses on, the measuring tape around my neck, needles in my teeth and pretending to be good at it.
Left: blue and brown argyle.  Middle: words that say monster teeth.  Right: green with different color polka dots(my favorite)
This is some of Thayne's artwork I still have to hang on the walls
Thayne told me that he loves Riley's room and wants to put a chair in there so he can just hang out. We both can't wait to hang out with the little guy!

On Saturday we went to the revealing of the Utah State new logo. It was a press conference and a big deal because Nike helped design the logo and the new sports uniforms. Thayne loved it. He told me it was one of the coolest things he has been to.
The new logo. Thayne is not too impressed by it...

The President of Nike. (Thayne's future boss... haha)
he does like the new bull a lot though

The new Jerseys and uniforms
 After the press conference we watched the blue and white scrimmage. And looky who we saw.....Kyler Fackrell, my sister Kimri's good friend from school.  He plays on the defensive line and is really good. Well I know nothing about football but Thayne and his brother Austin say he is Amazing! They are excited to watch him this season.

After the game we went driving in Logan up on the hill and saw our dream homes and this amazing view.

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